Brink Flexivent 300 | 400 | 450 | 531351
Brink Flexivent 300 | 400 | 450
The serial number of the Flexivent 300 appliance starts with 4100xxxxxxxx and 4110xxxxxxxx.
The serial number of the Flexivent 400 appliance starts with 4200xxxxxx and 4210xxxxxx.
The serial number of the Flexivent 450 appliance starts with 421200, 421201, 420200 and 420201xxxxxx.
This set consists: of 2 filters
Filter class: G3 - EN779:2012 | Iso coarse >80% - ISO 16890
The G3 filter removes 85% of dust particles, including pollen, spores, hair, sand and textile threads and is applied under conditions with normal dust load.
Type: wire frame
Size: 490 x 235 mm.
Brand: Brink Climate Systems
Brink no. 535003 - 531351
You can easily replace the WTW filters for the Brink Renovent Flexivent 300/400 yourself and place them in your WTW unit.