Filter Pure induct (from construction year 2020) | 351003
Brink Filter Pure induct (from construction year 2020 onwards) | 351003
The serial number of the appliance starts with 351000xxxxx
You receive: one Pure Induct filter
Like the filters in the HRS unit, the special filter of the Pure induct must be replaced in good time. Excellent filtration is only guaranteed with the original Brink filter.
The ionisation process in the Pure induct ensures that all particles in the air are statically charged. The specially treated, statically charged filter then captures these particles. This removes all pollutants from the air and purified, healthy air enters the home. The filter traps virtually all ultrafine dust particles, nanoparticles, smog, soot particles, bacteria and viruses.
Type: Z-line
Dimensions: 349 x 349 x 50 mm.
Brand: Brink Climate Systems
Brink no. 351003
You can easily replace the WTW filters for the Brink Pure induct yourself and place them in your WTW unit.