Laundry condenser filters
If you are looking for washing condenser dryer filters, you have come to the right place.
This range includes both original parts and our house brand hq filters.
Miele heat pump dryer door filter 9164761 (Alternative)
€ 11,95
Whirlpool Filter Foam for heat exchanger (Alternative)
€ 8,95
Whirlpool Filter Foam for heat exchanger (Alternative)
€ 8,95
Whirlpool Filter Foam for heat exchanger (Original)
€ 12,55
Whirlpool Filter in door
€ 45,65

You should clean a tumble dryer regularly so that the lint filter and heat exchanger don't get clogged. This causes the dryer to use more energy and not dry the laundry as well.
If you are looking for washing condenser dryer filters, you have come to the right place.
This range includes both original parts and our house brand hq filters.
Cleaning tips can be found here