Brink Flair filters
In our range, you will find both original Brink filters and alternative filters from our house brand hq filters for each Brink Flair unit. Offering both options gives you a great opportunity to easily compare products.

Brink Flair filters: breathe clean, breathe healthy
Are you the proud owner of a Brink Flair wtw system? Then you probably already know that this system ensures optimal ventilation in your home. But did you also know that regular maintenance and filter replacement are essential for proper operation and clean air?
Why are Brink Flair filters important?
The filters in a Brink Flair wtw system play a crucial role in purifying the air in your home. They are designed to filter dust, pollen, bacteria and other pollutants from the blown-in air, giving you a healthy and clean living environment.
By changing the filters regularly, you maintain maximum air quality and prevent dirt and dust from accumulating in the system. This not only ensures better air circulation, but also extends the life of your Brink Flair wtw system.
How often should I change my Brink Flair filters?
It is important to know how often you should change the filters of your Brink Flair wtw system. In general, it is recommended to change the filters once a year. However, this may vary depending on factors such as the air quality in your environment, the number of people in your household and any pets.
It is advisable to regularly check the condition of your filters. If they look dirty or clogged, it is time to replace them, even if they have not yet worn out according to the prescribed schedule. It is better to replace sooner than too late to prevent your wtw system from becoming inefficient and letting harmful particles through.