Brink Sonair filters
Which Sonair do I have? There is more info on this at the bottom of this page.

Which Sonair do I have?
Sonair 3.0 - Sonair with CO₂ sensor
The serial number of your device starts with 352xxx
The Sonair (V2) has buttons on the top:
Sonair A+
Sonair F+
The Sonair Classic has a rotary knob on the side:
Sonair Classic A+
Sonair Classic F+
This unit was manufactured in Lisse by Innosource until about mid-2009. After that, production moved to Brink. The serial number of the unit starts with:
110100xxxxxxSonair V2 F+
110104xxxxxxSonair V2 A+
110112xxxxxxSonair V2 F+ incl. F6 filter
110114xxxxxxSonair V2 F+ incl. G4 filter